
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2020


Hello friends๐Ÿ‘‹, how are you all? oh yes today I want to talk about announcements. Maybe some of you already know what the announcement is๐Ÿ˜ƒ and maybe some of you don't know yet ๐Ÿค”. Announcement  ๐Ÿ“ข is a statement (official notification) in oral or written form that contains something for everyone to know. However, not everyone hears or reads the announcer. The text should be brief and explain what, when, where, and who. Sometimes it also explains why and how. ❓Do you all know what the function of that announcement was? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸผThe function of the announcement text is to provide or convey information regarding information, be it events, job vacancies, new student admissions and so on.  Apart from function, there must also be a structure in an announcement, so what is the structure of the announcement?                                                  ...


      Soal PG Kerajinan Non Benda Kelompok 6 : 1. Rafhael Roberto / 34  2. Nindra Wisesa / 31  3. Norma Zalianti / 32  4. Nur Hikmah / 33  5. Richarden Bramov / 35 6. Zahra Nabillah / 36 ( tidak mengerjakan) 1. Motif gambar batik dibentuk/ditulis dengan cairan lilin dengan menggunakan alat yang dinamakan..... a.   Canting b.     Kuas c.     Lilin d.   Malam 2. Suatu hal yang berkaitan dengan buatan tangan atau kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan barang yang dihasilkan melalui keterampilan tangan disebut.... a. Kerajinan tangan b. Seni pahat c. Teknik ukir d. Kerajinan tradisional 3. Berikut yang bukan termasuk kebudayaan nonbenda, yaitu.... a. Dongeng b. Cerita rakyat c. Lagu d. Makanan khas 4. Kerajinan tangan yang terinspirasi dari kebudayaan lokal nonbenda yang memiliki bagian mata, hulu, dan sarung, yaitu.... a. Gamelan b. Wayang kulit c. Batik d. Keris 5.  Sepotong besi atau benda berat lainnya yan...

Description Text 2

  hello everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹, today I am still showing you the description text, below is my description text about the recreation area ๐Ÿ˜                                         Candi Borobudur Borobudur Temple is the largest and most luxurious Buddhist temple in Indonesia ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ. The shape of this temple looks like a pyramid / rectangular pyramid shape. This temple has many reliefs and also a stupa. Due to the grandeur and size of the temple, it makes the temple's charm like a towering mountain ⛰️. Even from a distance, the charm of this temple clearly shows. Borobudur Temple consists of 3 pieces. The first / lowest level is called kamadhatu. At the end, there are 160 reliefs. The relief contains a story about Karmawibhangga / various stories about sins. At the second level, namely rupadhatu. At this level there are 4 terraces. The terrace seemed to form a rotating hallway. At t...