Descriptive Text
hello everyone!! 😎 How are you all? Oh yes, on the previous blog I talked about planning, now I'll talk about descriptive text. Okay 👌, so descriptive text is text that aims to explain, describe, or describe something.This something can take the form of anything, be it a person, animal, object, location, and etc. In descriptive text, there are 2 structures, namely. 👉Identification is an introduction, in the form of a general description of a topic. 👉 Description contains the special characteristics of the object, place, or person being described. For example traits, physical appearance, and other things that are written specifically. that is a photo of my assignment given by my teacher, I don't know for sure the answer is correct or not, so please correct it too. besides that I was also assigned to make a descriptive text about one of the places I want to visit, namely KOMODO ISLAND 🔥 Based on its name, the Island is a habitat of Komodo that is well-known as hot-blooded...